Polyurethane Insulation:Reducing Building Energy Consumption
• ~40% of the overall U.S. energy demand goes into the building sector • ~40% of the energy used in buildings goes into heating and cooling • PU insulation in the building envelope can reduce heating and cooling energy loads significantly
• ~40% of the overall U.S. energy demand goes into the building sector
• ~40% of the energy used in buildings goes into heating and cooling
• PU insulation in the building envelope can reduce heating and cooling energy loads significantly
PU insulation helps meet energy reduction targets
• Federal Buildings: Executive Order 13514 – All new federal buildings net zero building energy requirement by 2030
• Architects: AIA 2030 target: net zero energy buildings by 2030
• Building Codes: Ashrae 90.1, IECC 2009 higher R-value requirements