Pura® Insulation Release Keeps Spray Foam Equipment Clean

Hartville, Ohio - December 10, 2010 -- SprayWorks Equipment Group, LLC announces that they will now be carrying a new product. The product - Pura® Insulation Release by ChemTrend - is a spray applied water-based release agent.
The Pura® Insulation Release product is simple to use and can be spray-applied to a wide range of surfaces before the spraying of any type of foam. Once applied, you can go about the regular functions of your spraying knowing that with the application of the Pura® product, cleanup will be easier than ever before. Once your job is complete and the overspray has collected on your gun, masks, lens covers and other surfaces, you can simply pull and brush the foam off of any surface to which the Pura® has been applied to. The spray will need to be reapplied over time as it will work itself off each time you strip away foam. It is important to note that the Pura® spray needs to be applied onto a clean and dry surface for best performance.
If you are growing tired of throwing your lens covers away after 5 minutes of use and your gun and masks are always covered in product, Pura® Insulation Release can help keep your gun and other equipment looking new and clean with one simple process. One can of the Pura® Insulation Release weighs 10.25 oz, and under normal spraying volume a single can of the product will last one full month.
About Sprayworks Equipment Group LLC
Sprayworks Equipment Group LLC is a specialty equipment and Spray Foam Rig manufacturer, distributor and educational experts with well over 100 years combined experience in the spray foam and coatings industry. Distributing PMC high pressure proportioners.
From manufacturing robots that work on roof and bridges to practical innovative devices we are always thinking in a different way.
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