SES Reveals Ideal Job Bidding Practices

SES Reveals Ideal Job Bidding Practices

HOUSTON, TX – June 1, 2015 – On the mind of most every contractor is one everpresent issue–the next job. It’s a familiar dance: the perpetual search, the due diligence, and the bid. Every aspect of landing a job requires substantial effort on the part of the business owner and sales team in following leads and properly assessing prospective jobs. Bidding, however, is a tricky matter, as it establishes project budgets to meet or beat. Complicating matters further is the one simple truth everyone knows about a budget: it will be wrong.

So, the real issue is ensuring that the product and crews perform as predicted in the bid (or as closely as possible). You want to do everything you can to get the job, but you also want to keep as much money in your pocket as possible, as discussed in the previous Editorial Spotlight on Spray Foam Business. It’s a delicate balance, but with some of the considerations outlined below, you can become more profitable on every bid.

To read the full article on Spray Foam Magazine, please click HERE.

Added On: Jul 07, 2015
Categories: Equipment Manufacturers, Spray Foam Contractors

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