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.5 lb in northern climate? Post New Topic | Post Reply

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Craig Maturi
Posted: May 03, 2007 07:34 PM
.5 lb in northern climate?
i live in northern minnesota, the weather here is around 50-60 right now during day. i have been having shrinkage problems pulling away from studs. i use E20, what temps should i be spraying at you think? right now i have been A,B, at 130f, and the hose about the same. what do you think?
Matt Findley
Posted: May 03, 2007 09:06 PM
if its shrinking turn the hose temp down first two deg. at a time. Ive been spraying 134a,b 132 hose when temps are around 70. I get my drums at 100 before spraying. Hey I got my shaver done send you pic.
Matt Findley
Posted: May 03, 2007 09:06 PM
if its shrinking turn the hose temp down first two deg. at a time. Ive been spraying 134a,b 132 hose when temps are around 70. I get my drums at 100 before spraying. Hey I got my shaver done send you pic.
Posted: May 03, 2007 09:19 PM
I would try turning the temps down 5 degrees at a time. 130 is not that hot. Have you checked the moisture content of the studs? How much shrinking?


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