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Posted: Jan 09, 2009 02:56 PM
Customer service rep of the year
AS you know, I don't post on these forums to help encourage free discussion. However I would like to make folks aware of an award I will be giveing out to the customer service rep of the year.

When I was spraying foam I was fortunate to know and have access to a few supplier reps who were able to help me with all kinds of technical help from equipment troubleshooting to help with materials, jobs and code officials, etc.

I would like to recognize the folks who have gone out of their way to help out their customers.

So, let me know who you think deserves to be named the customer service rep of the year.

I know many folks out there who have a great reputation for putting their company hat aside to help their customers.

What individual provided you with the best service this year? Be specific we would like to know why you think he or she deserves to be Mason's customer service rep of the year.

Please post your nominations on the Ask Mason Knowles forum.

After two weeks of nominations, we will evaluate the list and vote on the top 5.
Posted: Jan 09, 2009 03:10 PM
Hey Mason,
Where did all the nominations go? Do we need to resubmit?
Posted: Jan 09, 2009 03:12 PM
No they still should be on the forum site. Right now there are three nominations.
Posted: Jan 09, 2009 03:13 PM
oops! I see I'm on the wrong page..........again. The edit function doesn't seem to work. Sorry
Posted: Jan 09, 2009 03:15 PM
I have trouble with the edit functon also.

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