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fire data needed Post New Topic | Post Reply

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paul martin
Posted: Aug 29, 2007 08:08 AM
fire data needed
Is there any data available to allow spray foam to be used in a one hour assembly in 5A construction? So far I can only find it for up to 5B construction.
Posted: Aug 29, 2007 09:16 AM
IBC 2006 Table 601 lists Type V, B as not requiring a fire resistance rating. Whereas the Type V, A requires a one hour rating. If the Type V construction passed a one hour fire resistance assembly testing it would have an A rating, if it doesn't it has a B rating.

However, depending on how the foam is installed, you may not require additional testing.

In IBC's Fire Resistance-Rated Construction, Section 719 "Thermal and Sound Insulating Materials." says that under exceptions; "foam plastic insulation shall comply with Chapter 26.
The foam plastics section requires a thermal barrier over the foam and either a class 1 or II flame spread and smoke rating depending on the fire resistance rating of the wall.

So, if the wall is tested and rated without the foam insulation at a one hour rating, it can be used on the wall without being tested as part of the assembly. But, most building code consultants interpret this to mean that if the foam is installed in a cavity between metal or wood studs that is is part of the wall assembly and the wall assembly tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 to determine its fire resistance rating (for that type of construction).

For example, a block wall that has been rated for a one hour fire resistance or more can be sprayed with foam and covered with a thermal barrier without affecting the fire resistive rating.

But a wall assembly consisting of OSB, wood studs and insulation would require ASTM E 119 tests to determine its rating.

Fire testing for fire resistant assemblies is product specific. So, any testing would be performed by a specific material supplier. Contact your regular foam suppliers and ask if they have performed testing that would provide this rating on that type of construction.

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