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Sprinkler system and interior foam application Post New Topic | Post Reply

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richard sucher II
Posted: Feb 08, 2011 10:37 AM
Sprinkler system and interior foam application
Am looking at interior application to the underside of metal roof decking. three inches of closed cell. Building will be sprinklered and have dropped ceiling. Does the foam need additional protection, either IB or TB to meet code or is the sprinkler system adequate to meet code. Thanks. Same question has been posted 2/1/11 on thermal barrier site but no answer as yet from Kiser.
Posted: Feb 09, 2011 01:35 PM
Even with sprinklers, you still need to comply with the building code thermal barrier and/or ignition barrier requirement. In commercial buildings you also have to have the foam tested in accordance with NFPA 285 to verify that the foam does not change the hourly fire rating of the assembly

I have over 10 years of experience specifying and installing open and closed cell spray foam. I've sold my business but I'm still selling for the new owners and consulting on large and custom specific jobs. 

I've expanded my knowledge into t

Posted: Feb 10, 2011 08:17 AM
Of course it will change the hourly fire rating! It will go up! The other thing in commercial buildings is even thought they are made of metal, the structure will collapse if you have a fire and any other prudtc other than foam in the walls. That's because the fire/heat can and will pass through the other products and heta up the studs and cause them to warp. The foam will support the struture and provide a sacrificial surface to burn instead of the heat going directly to the metal studs.

I also know there was some talk about not having to apply a thermla barrier in attics or crawlspaces if they are sprinklered. I'm not sure where that went though!

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