
  • Do Polyurea Spray Systems Cure in Seconds?

    • By Dudley J. Primeaux II, PCS, CCI
    • Added on Sep 13, 2024

    It is well known that polyurea spray elastomer systems are reported as having very fast cure times. We see it in all the marketing info, training sessions, etc. Notations even point to curing within seconds, and some have even been so bold as to note a “Snap Cure” with these systems…WHAT??? To most folks out there, “snap” means instant/right now, like the snap of your fingers, but is this the true case with polyurea spray systems? read more

  • Are Weather Conditions OK to Spray Today?

    • By Dudley J. Primeaux II, PCS, CCI
    • Added on Jul 15, 2024

    Sitting here reminiscing about the recent SPFA Conference in Las Vegas, and wow, what a great show! From the PCP exams, the Spray Foam Magazine party, the fourth annual spray foam competition, SFWW events, to the actual Conference, was a full and fun schedule. read more

  • Can You vs. Should You?

    • By Dudley J. Primeaux II, PCS, CCI
    • Added on May 14, 2024

    Ah the curses of the English Language at times. We all remember the slogan “Be All You Can Be” right? This was the 1980s recruiting slogan of the United States Army and was in use for over twenty years. It was created by Mr. Earl Carter, a senior copywriter for the N. W. Ayer Advertising Agency and meant to inspire people to join the Army. read more

  • Specifications and Polyurea Elastomeric Coating & Lining and Spray Foam Work

    • By Dudley J. Primeaux II, PCS, CCI
    • Added on Feb 27, 2024

    Before a contractor or applicator can begin the necessary work of applying a polyurea elastomeric coating or spray foam system, some guidance or direction must be provided for the project. This information must be correct and understood as well as applicable to the current scope of work. While it seems that much of the information being provided in the polyurea industry is verbal or short written instructions, this is not the norm for the general coating and lining industry. read more

  • Are Polyurea Coatings Systems “Green Coatings”?

    • By Dudley J. Primeaux II, PCS, CCI
    • Added on Jan 16, 2024

    From recent discussions regarding inquiries asking if the polyurea spray elastomer technology and systems (PUA) being applied would be considered “Green Coating Chemistry” or not, many people suggest that Green Chemistry involves the use of recycled or renewable resources, this is not the only criteria for classification. read more

  • My Pressures Aren’t Balanced, What’s the Problem?

    • By by Dudley J. Primeaux II, PCS, CCI
    • Added on Nov 30, 2023

    We see quite a few posts on various social media sites where questions arise related to non-balanced or non-equal spray pressures, the infamous “E24” error code, and what could be the problem. They have supposedly tried everything—cleaned the y-strainer, changed the spray gun, new mix chamber, etc. and still have the issue. Better yet, a picture is posted with the request of “HELP???” read more

  • Do Polyurea Coatings Hold Up to Bigfoot Blood?

    • By Dudley J. Primeaux II, PCS, CCI
    • Added on Sep 27, 2023

    So, what is with all the recent Bigfoot sightings? With reports of aliens among us, this becomes a serious topic. All joking aside here, this is an important issue, especially for those who are transitioning from spray foam work to polyurea spray applications. read more

  • A Little Primer

    • By Dudley J. Primeaux II, PCS, CCI
    • Added on Jul 30, 2023

    Might I opine a bit on one of my pet peeves related to the polyurea technology – Surface Preparation! Contrary to what some may think, the fast set, spray polyurea technology is NOT a surface tolerant coating system. While the old Texaco Chemical Company video from the late 1980s may have shown application over water and ice, this was done to demonstrate that water and cold temperature did not directly interfere with the reaction. read more

  • Spray Guns Galore!

    • By Dudley J. Primeaux II, PCS, CCI
    • Added on Jun 01, 2023

    Picking up from the last article in Spray Foam Magazine, there is always some “Method to One’s Madness” if you will. Usually after discussing in general all the parts to a set-up, one would logically start from the beginning of the process. However, for this article, we will start with the end of the process. Why you might ask? Well, that’s simple. Based upon a recent posting on a prominent social media site, it is appropriate that we start with the spray guns for this segment. read more