Foam Connection Witnesses Surging Demand for its Spray Foam Services

Foam Connection Witnesses Surging Demand for its Spray Foam Services

BOULDER, CO - May 18, 2011 - A growing number of businesses across the globe are working to increase energy efficiency as a means of cutting greenhouse gas emissions and increasing profit margins. Increasingly, businesses are working with contractors that use spray foam to augment a building's structural integrity, cut utility costs and prevent water damage.

Damian Altman, the president of Foam Connection Inc., has witnessed his business surge over the past few years as businesses and homeowners alike realize the cost savings they can achieve through energy efficiency upgrades. In an interview, Altman said that when he saw the spec home market begin to fade, he saw an opportunity in the burgeoning green sector.

According to Altman, spray foam presents a myriad of benefits to traditional insulation tools like plywood.

"The air seal that is created by the foam is unmatched," Altman affirmed. "Foam finds every hole and void in the areas being sprayed. This stops any type of air flow in the wall or roof bays. It is an investment in a new home that will never need to be updated or replaced and the energy savings will pay you for the life of the building."

According to industry analysts, spray foam is an essential tool in home construction projects because it enables homeowners to slash their utility bills as a result of a house's improved energy efficiency. A burgeoning number of businesses also contend that spray foam will be used in more homes as time goes on.

Altman asserted that he expects hybrid applications to climb over the next year. "This will enable mid-range homes to acquire the benefits of spray foam and stay within the insulation budget," he said.

Homeowners are also overwhelmingly pleased with the results that spray foam brings about. Foam Connection's workers generally take about five days per every 5,000-square-foot area of a building they are working on to implement the spray foam retrofits. "This includes all mask prep and application," Altman said. For larger projects, the company often works faster: "When everything is working, that spray gun does not stop until the day is done," Altman exclaimed.

Ultimately, spray foam "has proven time after time to be the most efficient insulation available," Altman affirms. "No other insulation can save you 50 percent on your energy bills for the life of the structure."

For those looking for spray foam expertise, Foam Connection representatives can be reached through and  

Added On: May 18, 2011
Categories: Spray Foam Contractors, Foam Systems
Tags: Foam Spray Application

Contact Details

Name: Damian Altman

Email: Email Us

Phone No: 303-642-6041

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