Keeping Ratios in Check

Keeping Ratios in Check
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HOUSTON, TX – February 1, 2019 – The Spray Foam Industry is growing at a colossal rate and with rapid growth, there must be measures in place to adhere to consistency and quality control. The Akurate Dynamics Delta CPS Proportioner machine may provide that solution and help prevent liability falling on the owners’ shoulders.

Trey Cook, owner of Akurate Dynamics, spent many years in the oil industry, where he first discovered a similar, but much larger, machine used for oil fracking. In 2010, Cook was approached by the Army Core of Engineers to investigate making spray foam processing equipment, which could hold a manufacturer’s ratio specification.

Cook elaborates, “A few years later, we decided to go out and design a metering system, to meter the ratios and keep the chemical process proportioned. We were inspired to use technology similar to applications in the polyurethane industry.” He goes on to clarify how most of the chemistry on the market has a ratio, which many falsely claim to be exactly 1:1.

Cook enthusiastically explains, “There isn’t any system out there that can do exactly 1:1. A certain percentage is possible, but technically its not perfection. Most of those systems are putting a 2% tolerance on the isocyanate side and the polyol resin side. We designed a system that will always be within the 2%. Other systems on the market claim accuracy, but they cannot prove that they are at that percentage.”

The Delta CPS Proportioner is a special machine, due to both the analysis of flow rates and chemistry. Cook eagerly states, “We adjust one side of the chemistry to match the other side, via software on a computer system. These systems are termed PLC’s, which stands for Programmable Logic Controller, and they basically do the math. When it senses the foam, it calculates the difference and sets one of the motors to match the other. Best of all, this product is made in the USA.”

Akurate Dynamics Delta CPS Proportioner spray foam machine

Cook took his experience and made it viable to the spray foam industry, stating, “It’s not a new technology because it has been used in other industries, however, it is new to the spray foam industry. The Delta CPS Proportioner has been used in many different capacities including: military bases, highway repairs, home installations, and roofing systems. It’s applicable to anything that uses a two component system, which requires a tight ratio."

The machine will enable businesses to be confident in their mixing process. It not only makes sure the job is accurate, but it updates a report which logs every two and half seconds, enabling them to see the entire job’s history. They can prove that they were on percentage during a job. This machine also helps remove the liability from operators, because the percentages were tracked during the job. Cook also emphasizes, “If the job is not on ratio, the machine has the ability to stop the process.”

Trey Cook states, “The spray foam industry is booming and people are becoming more accepting of the new technology. We see some competitors replicating what we have produced, and we actually see this as a good thing. We all know the benefits of spray foam, but as the industry grows, we need to highlight the importance of this new technology. If owners can see that it helps with liability issues, the acceptance will continue to grow.” •

By: Danielle Macdonald on Feb 01, 2019
Categories: Spray Foam Application Tools

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