Professional Certifications Will Return to SprayFoam Convention & Expo

Professional Certifications Will Return to SprayFoam Convention & Expo
Magazine View

SPRAY FOAM MAGAZINE – SPFA’s Professional Certification Program (PCP) is arguably one of the best ways spray foam installers can set themselves apart from the competition and prove their effectiveness to customers. Fortunately, SPFA along with many valued sponsors and volunteers, is bringing certifications back to the upcoming SprayFoam 2025 Convention & Expo from February 9th -12th in Daytona Beach. This is part of the organization’s commitment to the success of its members and the industry at-large.

Registration for ‘Spraytona’ is open at and contractors can easily sign up for certification courses, written exams and field exams when they register for the show. All certification activities will take place at the Daytona Beach Convention Center, per the following schedule:

  • Field Exams: February 8th, 9th, and 10th
  • Exam Prep Courses: February 9th and 10th
  • Written Exams: February 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th

Notably, more and more people are working on certifications at SPFA’s annual convention. Earlier this year in Las Vegas, there were five times as many certification program enrollees than usual and over 100 individuals completed their certifications onsite.

“We attribute the increase in certification activity at the convention to a few things,” says SPFA President Ken Wells. “First, people in the industry really do recognize the benefit of certification credentials when they are talking to prospective customers. Second, we recently simplified the necessary paperwork participants fill out to enroll, and third, there are real cost savings to working toward your certification at the show.”

It’s true – while the PCP is an affordable business decision for contractors in general, the cost savings to participate during SprayFoam 2025 will be substantial. As of this writing, it appears likely that enrollment in the certification program will be offered again FREE of charge at the upcoming convention. That discount alone equates to a savings of $250 (SPFA members) or $350 (non-members). Additionally, those taking Field Exams onsite will save $750 (SPFA members) or $1,000 (non-members). To qualify for field exam savings, participants must be officially enrolled in the certification program. Be sure to visit for more details on PCP offerings in Daytona Beach this February.

In other PCP news, SPFA is developing a certification specifically for concrete lifting contractors. The new certification will be compliant with ISO-17024 standards (just like all of SPFA’s PCP offerings). Contractors interested in helping to shape this certification are encouraged to contact for more information.

“Assistance from active concrete lifters will help us make sure the certification for this spray foam specialty is done right,” adds Wells. “Expertise from the pros who perform concrete lifting will jumpstart this exciting new PCP discipline.”  

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