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Posted: Apr 18, 2009 03:45 PM
Non Graco O-Rings
Hello. I am up in Canada, and am currently paying an arm and a leg for graco O-rings. Are non Graco O-rings alright? My supplier says the chemicals will break them down. He says the Graco rings are "solvent resistant". I hate breakdowns on the job, so i do not want lower quality rings...just wondering if any of you have experience with both types, and if the non graco rings are okay, out of which material should they be made of to be sufficient. Thanks. -BCFoamed |
Posted: Apr 18, 2009 03:47 PM
Oh also, I use a Fusion AP. |
Posted: Apr 18, 2009 09:40 PM
HI BC Don't pay any attention to your supplier on using only graco o-rings. I use everything from Graco to an O-Ring kit that I buy at Harbor Freight. Eventually, Dynasolve eats away all rubber o-rings whether they are Graco or not. If you figure that a generic only cost $.25 to $.30 cents per o-ring, you can throw them away every few times you clean your guy and still be way ahead of the game compared to buying Graco O-rings. You may want to switch from solvents like Dynasolve to a spray carb cleaner that you can get at any auto parts store. It is a lot more effective than what the spray foam guys sell you. The good things about the carb cleaner is that all you have to do is use a heavy spray to clean both the ISO and Reisin and let it drain out. Using solvents tend to crystalize the ISO and then you have to pick it clean. Thats just my two cents! |
Posted: Apr 19, 2009 01:41 PM
I've been using Weatherhead o-rings on my guns for over 8 yrs. and not one problem. Just remember some of what Graco sells they don't actually make. |
Posted: Apr 19, 2009 04:06 PM
Oh wow...This is great. Now just to find the best supplier....How would I contact weatherhead? Havn't looked yet. I have seen "knock offs" for about half graco price but none at .25 each. Show me the way! :). Thanks guys, my boss is going to love me. -BCFoamed |
Posted: Apr 20, 2009 08:11 PM
Go to eaton.com Look up Weatherhead, find you a distributor. I get mine for .25 any size. For some reason I can't post the direct link. Will post the o-ring sizes for the Fusion AP tomorrow. |
Jayson Calhoun
Posted: Jul 09, 2009 10:51 PM
Hi guys, there is an alternative to paying an outrageous $100 for a goofy O-ring set. I work with a company called Spray Foam Equipment and Manufacturing and we sell after market O-rings. We use these O-rings on our own Fusion guns when we spray, and have sold hundreds of these things with no problems out of them. We sell the entire set for $45, and $5 per O-ring if you buy them individually. These prices are without shipping, but that will be added in on your invoice. You can contact me at lafoam@gmail.com, and you call me at 318-450-0335 on my cell or our office at 318-644-5140. Thanks, Jayson Calhoun |
Yvan Richard
Posted: Sep 09, 2010 09:06 PM
Hey, I just purchased a whole set of Viton O rings for my Fusion AP. I believe 3 are a 90 durometre and the rest are 70. From my understanding the Graco O Rings are made by Viton. A whole kit is approx $50, I can send you a few sets if you like. I am also in Canada just outside of Winnipeg so shipping would be easy. Thank you Yvan Richard 204-299-7700 |
Professor Foamâ„¢
Posted: Jan 11, 2011 08:20 AM
HI All I sell the aftermarket O Rings for the fusion AP and CS Guns. I have been selling these for years and they are made from Viton and Viton Extreme. Yes chemicals will break these down and the Graco manual says not to flush your gun with dynasolve ect. I sell the same o rings as graco for 29.99 a set and I can get you all the individual sizes that you might need. I was a contractor for over 15 years in this business and I am not going to screw you like Graco does! If you want I also offer a "Budget" kit of just viton only o rings for 11.99. Please check my website out Professorfoam.com and Im also on ebay under Professor_Foam. I also sell transfer pumps and parts for the Fusion AP. |
Posted: Jan 12, 2011 08:39 PM
If you have a set go to your local hydralic shop and have them match them up and tell them that you need the o rings for solvent they should care them or try www.grainger.com. I have used o rings from my hydraulic shop for 20 years. Good luck |
Posted: Jan 13, 2011 07:19 PM
I can get a pack of 100 Viton o-rings for $11 for the side seal cartridges and 100 for $7 on the side seals. Local supplier. |
Posted: Jan 14, 2011 07:34 AM
Get with George Spanos. He has great prices. One day we need to thow a party for that guy! He is one hell of a good asset to the industry. |
Tyler Boehs
Posted: Feb 01, 2011 05:55 PM
spfdepot.com They save us a lot of money! |
John Cottle
Posted: Feb 02, 2011 06:21 AM
Do you have the part numbers for the Weatherhead O-Rings? |
Professor Foamâ„¢
Posted: Feb 05, 2011 04:15 PM
Guys I now have a budget kit of Viton o rings for the Fusion AP. Go to www.professorfoam.com or Ebay and look for my store. If you want you can email me at professorfoam@gmail.com. Call me if you want at 318-880-7787. This will save you all a lot of $$$! Screw Gayco! |
Bob Silverman
Posted: Feb 05, 2011 08:56 PM
Aren't there areas of this site for advertising rather than spamming a bunch of the boards? You talk about graco prices, but are you any better? You can buy a complete set of viton orings for the fusion gun for about $1. You are selling them for $30. You have spent no time on r&d other than a hour on your couch sizing the orings. BFD. You have no overhead other than your kids making oring kits. You do not have distributors that need to make a percentage. You are even pimping other aftermarket parts that are no where near the quality that the graco parts are. I have tried some of the chambers and side seals only to have them wear out in less than a month. Post something helpful or don't post. Bob |
Posted: Apr 08, 2011 09:39 PM
Does anybody have any part numbers for grainger or fastenal for these o-rings? Spraypro can you message me or let me know where you are getting these o rings? Any help would be appreciated. |
angus mcdougald
Posted: Apr 09, 2011 08:54 AM
i get sets from a site orings dot com..... never had a real problem with them... they sell sets in 2 grades they are like 10 for the cheaper, and 30 for the "military" grade... used them both fine. they do wear out faster i think, but so what... f graco.... it seems like their monopoly should be illegal |
dave defehr
Posted: Oct 11, 2012 12:40 AM
Just bought 90 Viton O rings of various sizes for my Fusion AP gun for just under $100. These are a 90 derometer. My question is will these work for spraying polyurea? (sorry foam guys)The company I got them from said they were chemical and heat resistant. Thanks for your help. |
Posted: Oct 11, 2012 05:37 PM
They work, but I found they only seem to last about 2 weeks especially the side seal and cartridge orings. You're really better off with the Viton Extreme's or referred to as ETP with the 90 durometer(what I use) for the one's that come in contact with the fluid. The rest can be any cheap 'ol oring. It really comes down to how often you clean your gun. I typically clean mine about once a month. |
dave defehr
Posted: Oct 11, 2012 10:54 PM
After a pile of problems with my gun I finally figured out it needed to be torn down and cleaned, so after i did, it sprayed perfectly. That was about 3 weeks ago, and still spraying great so I thought I would take it apart in about 1 more week. |