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Temperature Difference - Attic Foam Post New Topic | Post Reply

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Chad Dicke
Posted: Jun 24, 2024 02:37 PM
Temperature Difference - Attic Foam

Back in Nov I had Open Cell added to my attic (roof shelf) to an R32 equivalent.

The winter felt very cold in the house and I was unsure why. Currently, the days have been in the 90s and my A/C has run non-stop from about 8AM to almost 9PM.
I checked the attic temperature and it was 91deg, outside it was 98ish. My A/C is set to 75.

I've spent over $1000 working with HVAC guys to come up with solutions on why my A/C runs so much as I have Foam in the attic and recently replaced all my windows with new triple-panes. My house is mostly brick.
The HVAC guys stated everything is operating normally.

I feel my A/C should not have to run ALL day, but maybe I'm just delusional and this is normal.

My questions:
1. Is approx a 15 degree difference between attic space and living area normal for a foamed attic?
2. Is there anything obvious I can do to help my A/C other than reinsulating all my side walls? Should I just expect an A/C to run continuously with my setup (exterior walls is regular pink insulation batting, not sure R value).

Thank you all

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