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Yvan Richard
Posted: Dec 09, 2009 10:25 AM
Warming up subtrate
New to the industry. We are located in Manitoba, Canada and this morning the temperature is -20 celcuis. Does anyone have any recommendations for warming up unheated areas such as a shop, garage etc? Also for jobs that are more exposed to the elements such as cantelevers, sunrooms & additions etc.. that the floors are not enclosed is it even possible to warm these areas up or should this type of work wait until spring? The foam manufacturer recommends the subtrate being no colder than -5 celcius.
Melvin Chandler
Posted: Dec 09, 2009 09:16 PM
I can tell you NOT to use fuel or propane heat in an area that has a metal roof. We had a guy wait until the temps were 10deg to spray foam on his barn. He thought he'd help us out and heat his barn with one of those kerosene contractor heaters. When we got there it was raining inside the building. Took 4 hours to cool it down and dry it up.
shane jamieson
Posted: Dec 16, 2009 08:54 PM
Where in Manitoba do you live?
Yvan Richard
Posted: Dec 16, 2009 11:57 PM
Near Winnipeg.
Posted: Dec 17, 2009 04:44 AM
refried beans and budwasher beer otta work...

we use a diesel fired whole house heater,,,
it is outside the structure,,,
ducted in thru winder...
380000 btu,,,thermo controlled..
no moisture from combustion just warm dry heat...
you can leave her run overnite with no fear of torchin the structure,,and the thermo gives you an element of control for economic operation,,,


another newbee
in the hood
his e20
aint workin good
the best foam
at the best price
if only he could
just get it right

burma shave
Posted: Dec 17, 2009 03:41 PM
u 2 funny dude.
shane jamieson
Posted: Dec 17, 2009 11:23 PM
So who in winnipeg is helping you out ? I know some people that might help in winnipeg.Are you a sprayer or the contractor.A lot of things you must know when spraying in the cold.And how long have you been in the spray foam business.What is the foam that you are using,some foam's really sucks in the cold,i hope you are using winter foam.Well have fun with the growing pains and remember that there is always help out there.
Posted: Dec 18, 2009 07:04 PM
we're spraying Corbond 3. Sprayed 20 degree metal the other day, 5000 +BF, no heating the building. Mucho Dinero for the fomo, but nice foam. Not sure about the color yet.
Yvan Richard
Posted: Dec 20, 2009 05:29 PM
Thanks, I have been working with some very experienced guys up here. They have helped me through some growing pains and I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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